ProAZ Azimuthal Attributes Workshop (HR-380)
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Learning Objectives
- Explains the Rock Physics framework linking fractures and anisotropy for the study of the Amplitude versus Azimuth (AVAZ) and Velocity versus Azimuth (VVAZ).
- Provides a comprehensive look at the theory and application of the AVAZ method.
- Emphasizes practical AVAZ and WAZ examples from a number of regions around North America.
- Explains both the advantages and potential pitfalls of the AVAZ method.
Geophysicists, geologists, engineers and technical staff who want to understand the theory and learn how to apply these increasingly critical techniques.
Topics include:
- Introduction: Basic seismic wave principles, anisotropy, the relationship between fractures and anisotropy, observing anisotropy in prestack seismic data, Common Offset/ Common Azimuth (COCAI Gathers.
- AVAZ Theory and Modeling and:
- AVAZ Analysis: AVAZ attribute volume generation and considerations, processing concerns. interpretation of - - AVAZ measurements and examples from published case studies.
- VVAZ Theory and Analysis: Azimuthal NMO and RMS velocities, azimuthal NMO corrections, inverting for interval properties using the generalized Dix equation, and examples from published case studies.
Duration: 1-day
Software used:
Course Format: Workshop
Instructor(s): TBD
Prerequisites: None
Number of Participants:
US $900.00
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