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North West Shelf

Evaluate potential with high-quality 3D seismic data

Our North West Shelf data library offers solutions based on our high-quality seismic data to explorers in Australia’s premier petroleum province. We use our broad range of geoscience expertise to provide clients with integrated offerings that complement our high-quality seismic data and provide exploration insight in basins across the region.

The North West Shelf integrated geoscience data and interpretation package provides an enhanced framework of the Triassic paleogeography and petroleum systems, establishing evidence for the presence of thermally mature, Triassic oil-prone source rocks.

Typhon 3D: Highlighting Reservoir Distribution on the​ North West Shelf​

15,700 km2 state-of-the-art reprocessed multi-azimuth PSDM data solves imaging challenges of the prolific Dampier sub-basin.

Related Technology


Identify reservoir attributes with highly detailed broadband subsurface images that enable enhanced deep penetration.

Full-Waveform Inversion

Get highly detailed, data-driven models of subsurface velocity, absorption and reflectivity from full-waveform inversion (FWI).

Least-Squares Migration

Complement FWI and improve image quality using data-driven seismic imaging with least-squares migration (LSM).

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